The Asteroid 2020 NK1 Has Been Removed From Sentry: Earth Impact Monitoring
By Steven M. Tilley for the Asteroid News (2020-08-01)

JPL Small-Body Database Browser orbital diagram for
Asteroid (2020 NK1)
Earth Distance: 0.055 AU (1290 Earth Radii)
Sun Distance: 1.007 AU
2020-07-31 20:58 UTC
On Friday, July 31, 2020, at 20:03:39 (UTC), The JPL Center for NEO Studies (CNEOS) removed the asteroid 2020 NK1 from Sentry: Earth Impact Monitoring Table. 2020 NK1 was posted to NASA JPL's Sentry and ESA's Risk List soon after its "discovery" by ATLAS-MLO, Mauna Loa. It was given a Torino Scale rating of 1 Normal (Green Zone). In the days that follow, observers from around the world submitted observations. With this data, Arecibo Observatory was able to take radar observations, greatly lowering its orbital uncertainty, allowing the CNEOS to rule out any impacts for the for seeable future.
(as of 2020-07-31 )
(Check links for Updates)
- Object: 2020 NK1
- Orbit Type: Apollo [NEO, PHA]
- Approximate Diameter: 420 m - 940 m (1377.95 to 3083.99 Feet) (Absolute H= 19.045 )
- On the Sentry Risk Table: Removed on July 31, 2020 at 20:03:39 (UTC)
- for more information read Understanding Risk Pages by Jon Giorgini
- On the NEODyS CLOMON2 risk page: YES[22 Number of Potential Impacts 2086-2102]
- Listed on The Near-Earth Object Human Space Flight Accessible Targets Study (NHATS): NO
- Listed on the Goldstone Asteroid Radar Schedule: NO
- Listed on the Arecibo Asteroid Radar Schedule: Done
- Radar Observations: yes
- # delay obs. used: 1
- # Doppler obs. used: 2
- Discovery observation was made:2020 07 13.567919 by ATLAS-MLO, Mauna Loa(MPC Code T08)
- Last Observation(publish) was made: 2020 07 29.14014101 Calar Alto-Schmidt, Spain (MPC Code Z84)
- Number of Optical Observations(published): 95
- Oppositions: 1
- Number of Observatories Reporting (Published) Observations: 12
- Observatories Reporting (Published) Observations(MPC Code):
- (474) Mount John Observatory, Lake Tekapo, New Zealand.
- (E10) Siding Spring-Faulkes Telescope South, Australia/NSW.
- (E94) Gisborne (Possum Observatory), New Zealand.
- (J04) ESA Optical Ground Station, Tenerife, Canary Islands (Spain).(J95) Great Shefford, UK.
- (K93) Sutherland-LCOGT C, South Africa.
- (Q59) Siding Spring-LCO Clamshell {#}2, Australia/NSW.
- (T05) ATLAS-HKO, Haleakala, US/Hawaii.
- (T08) ATLAS-MLO, Mauna Loa, US/Hawaii.
- (T14) Mauna Kea-UH/Tholen NEO Follow-Up (CFHT), US/Hawaii
- (W88) Chile Observatory, La Dehesa, Chile.
- (Z84) Calar Alto-Schmidt, Spain
- Perihelion Distance: 0.492 AU
- Aphelion Distance: 2.295 AU
- Earth MOID: 0.00240329 AU (0.935 Lunar Distance) 56.369 Earth radii
- Close-Approach to Earth: 2020-Jul-31 Minimum Distance 0.0550035674439259 (AU) 21.410 Lunar Distance (LD) 1290.097 Earth radii
- The Tracking News - Earth's Busy Neighborhood --- 2020-07-17 --- 2020-07-18 --- 2020-07-19 ---- 2020-07-20 --- 2020-07-21 --- 2020-07-22 --- 2020-07-23 --- 2020-07-24 --- 2020-07-25 --- 2020-07-26 --- 2020-07-27 --- 2020-07-28 --- 2020-07-29 --- 2020-07-30 --- 2020-07-31
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