The internet has been buzzing over the Near-Earth Object 2011 ES4. As a result of reports, it would closer than the Moon on September 1, 2020, 12:12 p.m. EDT. However many of the reports ignore or underplay the 8 days 00:08 uncertainty in the time of Close-Approach. In due time astronomers recovered 2011 ES4 on September 5, 2020. Now we know 2011 ES4 and Earth made Close-Approach on September 2, 2020, of 0.011 AU 3.848(LD), 231.88(Earth Radii), 1.020,000, or miles,1,650,000(KM). We also know there is no risk from 2011 ES4 for the foreseeable future.

Background(as of 2020-09-06)
- Object: 2011 ES4
- Orbit Type: NEO (Apollo)
- Approximate Diameter: 22 m – 49 m [72.18 ft to 160.76 ft] (Absolute H= 25.4)
- On the Sentry Risk Table: NO JPL removed it 2020-09-06 16:14:49
- for more information on risk, pages read Understanding Risk Pages by Jon Giorgini
- On the NEODyS CLOMON2 risk page: NO
- Listed on the Goldstone Asteroid Radar Schedule: No
- Listed on the Arecibo Asteroid Radar Schedule: No
- Radar Observations: none
- Discovery observation was made: 2011 03 02.19847 (04:45:47.81)
by Mt. Lemmon Survey (MPC Code G96) - Last Observation(publish) was made: 2020 09 06.25868 (06:12:29.95) at iTelescope Observatory, Mayhill, (MPC Code H06)
- The number of Optical Observations(published): 106
- Oppositions: 2
- Observation arc: 3476 days (9.52 yr)
- The number of Observatories Reporting (Published) Observations: 22
- Observatories Reporting (Published) Observations(MPC Code):
- (104) San Marcello Pistoiese, Italy.
- (204) Schiaparelli Observatory, Italy.
- (291) LPL/Spacewatch II, Arizona, USA.
- (586) Pic du Midi, France.
- (595) Farra d’Isonzo, Italy.
- (734) Farpoint Observatory, Eskridge, Kansas, USA
- (F51) Pan-STARRS 1, Haleakala, Hawaii, USA.
- (G96) Mt. Lemmon Survey, Arizona, USA
- (H01) Magdalena Ridge Observatory, Socorro, New Mexico, USA.
- (H06) iTelescope Observatory, Mayhill, New Mexico, USA.
- (H21) Astronomical Research Observatory, Westfield, Illinois, USA.
- (I52) Steward Observatory, Mt. Lemmon Station, Arizona, USA.
- (I93) St Pardon de Conques, France.
- (J69) North Observatory, Clanfield, UK.
- (J95) Great Shefford, UK.
- (K83) Beppe Forti Astronomical Observatory, Montelupo, Italy.
- (L01) Višnjan Observatory, Tičan, Croatia.
- (L18) QOS Observatory, Zalistci, Ukraine.
- (W33) Transit Dreams Observatory, Campobello, South Carolina, USA.
- (W34) Squirrel Valley Observatory, Columbus, North Carolina, USA.
- (X31) Galileo Galilei Observatory, Oro Verde, Argentina.
- (Z80) Northolt Branch Observatory, UK.
- Perihelion Distance: 0.826 AU
- Aphelion Distance: 1.354 AU
- Earth MOID: 0.000629743 AU ( 0.245 Lunar Distance) 14.77 Earth radii
- Close-Approach to Earth:
- Date and Time(TDB): 2020-Sep-02 07:49
- Time Uncertainty: ± < 00:01 (0.138943590186452 minutes)
- Minimum Distance: 0.00988627995970876 (AU), 3.847 (LD) 231.88 Earth radii, 918,987.135 miles, 1,478,966.431 KM
- Nominal Distance(best fit): 0.00988652085573321 (AU), 3.848 (LD), 231.87 Earth radii, 919,009.527 miles, 1,479,002.469 KM
- Maximum Distance: 0.00988676175223704 (AU) 3.848 (LD), 231.89 Earth radii, 919,031.92 miles, 1,479,038.506 KM
- Was, it Be Visible to the Unaided Eye: No
- Asteroid (NEO) 2011 ES4 Information (TheSkyLive.com)
- ESA 2011 ES4
- 2011 ES4 -- Earth Impact Risk Summary
- JPL Small-Body Database Browser (2011 ES4)
- MPC Database Search — 2011 ES4
- MPEC 2020-R18 : 2011 ES4
- Palermo Technical Impact Hazard Scale
- Introduction to Sentry: Earth Impact Monitoring
- Sentry: Earth Impact Monitoring
- Torino Scale
Other Useful Links
- Asteroid Hazards: The View from Space(MPC)
- Don’t fear apocalyptic asteroids: you’re safer than you think
- Frequently Asked Questions For Impact Risk Assessment
- NEO Search & Follow-Up
- Palermo Technical Impact Hazard Scale
- Quantifying the risk posed by potential Earth impacts Steven R. Chesley (JPL), Paul W. Chodas (JPL), Andrea Milani (Univ. Pisa), Giovanni B. Valsecchi Icarus 159, 423-432 (2002) ( PDF )
The Asteroid 2020 NK1 Has Been Removed From Sentry: Earth Impact Monitoring
- Asteroid (NEO) 2011 ES4 Information (TheSkyLive.com)
- ESA 2011 ES4
- Archive 2011 ES4 — Earth Impact Risk Summary Archive
- MPEC 2020-R18 : 2011 ES4
- JPL Small-Body Database Browser (2011 ES4)
- MPC Database Search — 2011 ES4
- Palermo Technical Impact Hazard Scale
- Introduction to Sentry: Earth Impact Monitoring
- Sentry: Earth Impact Monitoring
- Torino Scale